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Top Podcasts in Switzerland!

A list of podcasts for our German speakers


This is one for our German speakers… here are some of the top podcasts trending in Switzerland at the moment.

If you have any podcasts you want to recommend others to listen to, you can email us! katalina@radiodayseurope.com

Gemischtes Hack
A comedy podcast in German from Felix Lobrecht & Tommi Schmitt.
Language: German

Dick & Doof
Sexy, charming and incredibly intelligent - Sandra and Luca are not all that. They are just fat and goofy.
Language: German

Echo de Zeit
"Echo der Zeit" is Radio SRF's oldest political background programme: since 1945, the programme has been broadcasting the most important news, reports, interviews and analysis on current events every day.
Language: German

Die Sprechstunde – mit Moser & Schelker
The morning show moderators from Energy Bern, Moser & Schelker, round up the past week with you every Saturday. In an interactive podcast, they discuss the highlights and failures of the past seven days.
Language: German

Why does a woman have her husband shot? How does a commissioner get confused? And why do witnesses sometimes lie? What if police officers act criminally or experts try to hide their mistakes? And what if innocent people get into the criminal justice system - and nobody believes them...? Sabine Rückert from the editor-in-chief of ZEIT is an expert in crimes and combating them. She was involved in large criminal trials, wrote award-winning court reports, and investigated unimaginable criminal cases. Through her reporting, she also uncovered two judicial errors. Sabine Rückert talks to Andreas Sentker, head of ZEIT's knowledge department, about the cases of her life.
Language: German

Baywatch Berlin
The Beautiful Mind, Klaas Heufer tries to make contact with the real world in this podcast after more than 10 years of jet setting fun. Like in the Christmas story, his friends Thomas Schmitt and Jakob Lundt take him by the hand and slowly bring them back into contact with real life issues. Dive in and be the ball in the pinball machine "Baywatch Berlin"!
Language: German